Hello Pubg Lovers, Here I am back with a new amazing working trick on Pubg Crate Opening. Most of us open Crates and find ourselves disappointed when we receive the same old regular items again and again. If you’re also somebody who’s receiving the same old items from Pubg Crates repeatedly, I got a trick that will increase your chance of getting Legendary and Mythic Items.
We all know that Pubg Crate items depend on Luck and not everybody can get the exotic or rare items easily. This trick won’t help you get any Crate items for free but I will tell you a trick, which will help increase your chances for getting rare items.
There are two different tricks for this method, one is with a VPN and the other one is without VPN. You can choose any method you like and both of them work fine. But using the VPN will give you more chances of getting Legendary items in the Crates.
Pubg Mobile Crate Opening Trick
We Pubg lovers always love new crates and excited to open the crate to find Rare and legendary items. But most of the times, we are disappointed in getting the same old items you own. There are so many videos on the internet about Pubg Crate Opening tricks but most of them are fake, so I decided to try all the tricks and find out which ones are working. Please follow the steps carefully and this trick is safe & it won’t ban your account.
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Pubg Crate Opening Trick Without VPN
Many people in their Youtube Videos and Pubg blogs said that you need to use VPN to get Mythic items but that’s not really true. The Gamers can also get Legendary items from Crates even by using the Indian servers. Here’s how, please follow the steps below.
- Open Pubg Mobile.
- Go to Matching Section.
- And Choose Europe Server.
- Now click on Workshop & Click on Upgrade.
- Click on the Coupon and Enter your Crate Coupon you got from the Event section.
- That’s, it Open your crate and find some Legendary Items.
Pubg Crate Opening Trick with VPN
Using a VPN has more chances to get Rare items in the crates than not using a VPN. So, this method involves using a VPN app, You can use any VPN but make sure you select the right servers.
- Go to Google Playstore or Appstore on your SmartPhone.
- Search for Speedify VPN and Install it.
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Pubg Crate Opening Trick (100% Working)
Reviewed by Sree V
December 27, 2019
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